INSAN conducts special book review events in which important books related to development, politics, history, literature, and other relevant subjects are described or analyzed based on content, style, and merit. The books selected for review are those that have a significant role in describing the past, present, and future of our society and all humanity.
Book Review: "Afghanistan Water Resource Management; International Regulations and Regional Cooperation"
A book by Barakatullah Aryoobi; Transboundary Water Expert and Researcher
Barakatullah Aryoobi; University Lecturer, Author, and Research Fellow at INSAN Institute
Nazeem Samoon; Transboundary Water Specialist and Research Fellow at INSAN Institute
Naeem Salarzai; Researcher and Water Resource Management Specialist
Place: INSAN Institute – In Person – 5 November 2020
Book Review: "The Muqaddimah of ibn Khaldun" on the occasion of Pashto translation
A book by Ibn Khaldun; Arab Sociologist, Philosopher, and Historian
Translated by: Muhammad Zubair Shafiqi; Afghan Translator, Writer and Journalist
Mohammad Zubair Shafiqi; Translator, Writer and Journalist
Atiq Arwand; Writer and Researcher
Ziaulhaq Shams; Sociologist and Research Deputy, INSAN Institute
Place: INSAN Institute – In Person – 3 September 2020
Book Review: "The Room where it happened" and the Chapter on Afghanistan
A book by John Bolton; National Security Advisor of the United States
Moderator: Baitullah Hamidi; University Lecturer and Editorial Board Member at INSAN Magazine
Hafiz Hamim; Writer and Journalist
Nazeem Samoon; Writer, Researcher and Research Fellow at INSAN Institute
Place: INSAN Institute – In Person – 9 June 2020
Book Review: "AFGHANI" the Novel – On the occasion of Pashto translation
A book by Arif Farman; Afghan Author
Translated by: Sayed Ziarmal Hashimi; Afghan Journalist
Arif Farman; Author
Parto Naderi; Afghan Writer and Poet
Mohebullah Zegham; Afghan Writer and Author
Sayed Ziarmal Hashimi; Afghan Journalist
Place: INSAN Institute – In Person – 27 July 2019
Book Review: "Da Jabar aw Ekhtyar Dialectic"
A book by Prof. Sayed Bahauddin Majrooh; Afghan Scholar, Poet and Public Intellectual
Moderator: Mujib Lmar; Writer and Journalist
Abdul Ghafoor Liwal; Writer and Author
Sulaiman Layeq; Poet, Writer, Researcher and Member of Afghanistan Academy of Sciences
Najib Manalai; Writer and Author
Ziaulhaq Shams; Writer and Researcher
Rohullah Amin; Director of the American Institute of Afghanistan Studies
Place: Mediothic Afghanistan – In Person – 24 August 2016